"Humbled Females is a very unique site. I've been on all the usual fetish and bondage forums, but this community is in another dimension altogether. I've learned a ton of stuff here that I never did elsewhere. I didn't always agree with everything, but it sure is thought provoking. And the best part is people in the community aren't there to just argue. That alone is refreshing." —Emily, 26
"This site helped me reconnect to my husband, who preferred me on the submissive side in a traditional marriage. We've tried D/s before, but I always had personal issues with it. Humbled Females helped me work through them and has become a source of inspiration for me as I journey deeper into my obedience as a submissive wife." —Kate, 42

"I like being dominant in my relationships, but I personally have a hard time identifying with the BDSM community. I didn't see any of the usual BDSM stuff on this site, and that's why I stayed. Something really important is being done on Humbled Females that I haven't seen done elsewhere. First, there are no cheesy ads in the system, anywhere. Second, the admins care about the community, so career trouble makers have a tough time sticking around. The community is tight-knit too so there isn't a feeling that we're on a huge, impersonal kinky Facebook. The articles are impressive, and so is the primer. And who knows? Stick around long enough and you might find a girl. I did." —Daren, 38

"In other communities, the supposedly "submissive" women have a tendency to post passive-aggressive, snarky, and downright obnoxious comments on anything they deem objectionable. In the last couple days, there have been 1 or 2 threads on Humbled Females that featured highly contentious opinions. I can't imagine any other online community that would have even approached the degree of politeness that the commenters exhibited on these threads." —Chase, 30
"Progressivism today has gone so far and spread so wide that popular culture tends to find itself confused over sex, gender, and the meanings of simple designiations like man and woman. Humbled Females doesn't have this problem. Nowhere will you find the rot of pronoun speak or modern gender ideology within its forums. Here, a man is an adult human male and a woman is an adult human female. Period." —Robert, 27
"I admit that some of the stuff I read here at first challenged me a lot. I was raised a feminist, but I've always had another side to me, and that is the heart and soul of a submissive female. I've always wanted to be subserviant to a man...even dreamt of being a slave. I learned that if I read calmly, and with an open mind, this community and its message spoke deeply to my hidden desires and helped to unlock them." —Claire, 52